9/12-14 - Nor’Easter BBQ Showdown (MA)

9/12-14 - Nor’Easter BBQ Showdown (MA)

from $25.00

No space will be held for ANY team without at least a $150 nonrefundable Weekend Deposit.

· Masters Contest entry fee includes: 1) previous night’s stay at a private campground with water, 20+ amp electric, bathrooms, hot showers, and sewage/dump station; and 2) four KCBS categories of Chicken, Pork, Pork Ribs and Brisket, which provide eligibility for Grand and Reserve Grand Champion. Entry fee can be paid in full for $355/day. 27 TEAM MIN PER DAY; AUGUST 15 DEADLINE.


· “One-Meat” Master of Chicken and Master of Ribs entry fee is $125 for one or $230 for both. Both contests take place SAT night at 7:00pm (Chicken) and 7:30pm (Ribs). Teams can earn Chicken and/or Ribs TOY points by participating. DEADLINE: AUGUST 8

· Red Chili Ancillary entry fee is $25. Entries will consist of any type of seafood. Turn-in takes place Sunday at 2:30pm. Open garnish and open container not to exceed 12”x18” in size. DEADLINE: AUGUST 8

· Additional nights at the campground are $80 per night.

· Cabin rentals are $250 and require a 2-night minimum (FRI and SAT, with SUN afternoon check-out). They must be arranged directly with Campground BBQ, NOT with the campground. Previous year’s renters get first right to return with a January 15 deadline; after that, teams will be pulled from a Wait List so contact Campground BBQ if interested in a cabin. Campground BBQ will charge payment by separate Paypal invoice. Teams must bring their own bedding and kitchen/dishware. 20a electric and water hook-ups available.

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Did you choose all your options for this contest? Make sure you have selected: 1) Masters contest (SAT and/or Sun; payment in full or weekend deposit); 2) One-Meat contests for SAT night (chicken and/or ribs); 3) Ancillary for SUN; and 4) if you need additional nights at the campground.